Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of july weekend...& then some

we went to the balloon festival this year. it was pretty neat! and look who decided to show up!

worst shirt in the world...not mention the ugliest colored hat ever. this is def a shirt my dad would wear though (no offense), in fact i think he already has one like this :-)
we had a BBQ for the 4th. had a few friends over...friends who also don't have family here. we stick together :-)
my awesome nails
we went to the kane's sunday night for our own firework show!

this has nothing to do with the 4th. BUT i told my mom i'd show her our food storage. thank you aflac!


Shellee Day said...

The food shelf = good
The food shelf filled with food = gooder
The food shelf being rotated and always filled with food = goodest!
You guys are awesome!!

Terin said...

The balloon festival looks fun. I love the pictures of you and Brando. I love the salute with the flag. You look beautiful as always and I love you!