Saturday, August 28, 2010

more randoms

i'll start with this gem! this is've probably seen her in my other posts, or on my photography blog. she's one of my best friend's (amber) little girl, and she is the BOMB.COM! (and gonna be a big sister in Dec!) we love hangin out with her, she is so funny! i want to steal her. and she has red hair, how convenient :-)

my mom and aunt came in town for a few days, so good to see them! mom and g-pa. my g-pa is so funny and very witty! (put all of these up mainly for my mom).

me and marmee messing around! mom you have white teeth! we went out to eat with a few family memebers and while inside eating it was pouring outside! i was loving it...but then not so much when we got outside, it was really cold! and of course i was in shorts and short sleeve because it was perfect before the storm came around.

so as soon as i got home, i had to put my sweats and sweater on! in august! it was great...except that means that the snow is probably coming early :-p ewwwwwwww
(if you look closely at milo...brandon likes to draw on him with permanent marker)
i finally put the boarder on my baby quilt (no im not prego...just for the future some day). now i just need to put the fluff in it and put the back on it. not my fav colors, but the fabric stores up here arent that great.
we went to the lake after it rained....bad idea. there was about 10 ft of mud before you could walk in the water. luckly we figured it would be like that, and took yucky shoes. the dogs LOVED running around in the water and being able to touch the ground...thats the only way they'll get in the water.
brandon being a boy and finding weird things to play with
this pic makes me laugh. i yelled "hey bandon" right before i took the picture without looking at him and this is what i got :-)
swimming at my cousins house. so nice to relax in a pool! the weather and water were perfect.
milo loving his mama
yep...laundry day. we call this a laundry folding party...except brandon says he doesn't like these kind of parties. i dump all the clothes on him and started laughing. he looks naked! then i showed him the picture and he started laughing.


Cassidy & Shawn Marshall said...

yeah for up dates! i love your quilt its amzing you did such a freakin good job- now what if you have a boy? the picture of Brandon and the laundry is so funny i really thought he was naked!- i miss you guys too- lets all just move to AZ okay - hahahs

laura d said...

nice. love the naked pic! :D anyway, your quilt looks nice! Good job!! (now get to work on putting it to use!)

A&A Hale Family said...

I didn't realize that Brandon was looking into Border Patrol. That is cool. Right now is a good time to apply because they just started receiving applications again. I think Allen said they will stop receiving applications once they've received 100,000 for only 5,000 positions. It sure is a long process and people do get weeded out. Anyway, it is always so much fun to see your smiling face. I too think your quilt is beautiful. Here is our email if you have any more questions about Border Patrol or if you just want to chat. Have a great day.