Wednesday, September 1, 2010

le larsen family

once again i've decided my life is boring and no one looks at my blog...maybe i need to have a kid and post somethings of importance and people will be excited about my blog. ha.
while bran's family was here we went out monday and had a great time! had a girls day...loved it...dont get that unless family is here.
these ducks were at the byu bookstore...there were so many! none for sale, just to play with.
ate at zuppas....well in the car...and it was delish like always! this is the biggest raspberry i've ever seen!
got pedicures! i asked for zebra print and this is what i got...tiger print. still like it, the lady even added plus!

my sister in law kris and i messing around while our nails dried.

mama larsen and i


Terin said...

You look SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!! Your hair is getting SO LONG!!!!!!! I miss you and think you are just wonderful. muah!

iknowjewels said...

I read your blog! And I love the pictures you post.

But, I only read any blogs every 2 weeks or so.

Christina said...

Hey! I read your blog! I feel the same way that no one reads mine!! And your hair is getting soooo long! It's gorgeous!

A&A Hale Family said...

You may complain that I never leave a comment, but perhaps you would complain if I left the same comment every post. I am not one who comments a lot on others, but do like to browse the pictures and see what everyone is up to. If it would make you feel better I could comment "Hi, looks like fun" every time. ;) Anyway, I'm just trying to be funny.
By the way, cute toes.

Cassidy & Shawn Marshall said...

I love reading your blog! its random fun crazy stuff not boring at all- thats awesome that you had a girls day out- i havent had a pedicure forever! i think since i was married :( we should go sometime. -so we are coming up on the 25th for sure! cant wait to see you guys even if it is just for lunch or something!

The Yorgason Family said...

Love the video at the end!! I was thinking about you and missing you!! Love your blog and especially your toes!! :0)