Sunday, May 8, 2011

another larsen update!

as you (probably) know, my uncle runs his business (and hobbies) out of grandpa's house. this is the kinda of stuff (crap) he has lying around. its a neat someone else's house :-)

 utah is starting to get warmer and we're loving it! we can finally wear shorts and t-shirts. we've been living out in the back as much as possible. the dogs are loving it as well. jersey thinks the pond is her very own swimming pool....whaterrr. she smells like the swamp thing after, so off to the shower she goes. its a daily happening around here.
i'm loving the flowers around here! the tulips have finally come out to play! brandon and i planted some poppies yesterday, cant wait till they come to play too :-)

 we had a bbq yesterday with some friends. they brought their cute bebe and i ♥ him!
 bryan, disa and dan

 for mother's day, my aunt, uncle, grandpa, brandon and i went to grandma's grave. it was the first time i've been since she passed away. i sure do miss her!
ps//happy mother's day to all mommies! and to my marmee! i ♥ you!

 with the weather getting warmer, the garden is coming together. we made it wider and can't wait to plant next week sometime. brandon is such a handyman. if he doesn't know how to do it, or never done it, he'll figure it out! he's great, i think i'll keep him around!
 he's cute too...a plus plus!
 we played with the berry's again! we love love love them and their cute bebe's! virginia is the best little thing ever made. i want her! sweet jumpsuit eh?!
 this train was cruising the mall and she just had to get in, so we made the boys go so we could go shop around for a few mins without the boys :-)

1 comment:

Shari said...

Methinks you have some serious talent in your photography. I love the flower pics at the top of this post! I hope everything goes well with your whatever-it-is that's going on with your stomach! You're in my prayers!