Sunday, May 29, 2011

terin renee

i for reals have the best family & friends in the world!!! mimi & britt decided to drive up for the weekend just to see ME! they brought along my papi and best friend terin renee! i really like this! they have taken my mind off of things and we've had a great time and i never want them to leave...ever :-) selfish? maybe so, but i dont care.
 i rarely get to see terin. but when i do, its always a party and we laugh non-stop! my stomach already hurts so much from surgery, but oh man, its really bad now! (in a good way i guess)

 me, terin and terin's sister brittany

this was my 1st real day out of the house. we went to the mall to eat and stop at a few stores. i was a little worried cause i get tired super quick. but i did ok and im still alive!


once upon a poppy said...

did you rent a wheelchair? you should have. you could have had lots of fun with that!

laura d said...

I totally second the wheel-chair rental!! hahahaha that would be too hilarious. And i love those grandma glasses. pretty freakin' sweet.

I'm curious how the "beef up" is going. You should drink whole milk. thats what I have to do when I'm trying to put on weight. Whole milk, milk shakes, and pretty much anything I want to put in my mouth goes. woo!!

Terin said...

WE.R.HIDEOUS! And super fun...Love you!