Wednesday, June 22, 2011

this crazy life

not a ton going on around here besides my crazy life of cancer and chemo. but lets be honest, no one wants to hear about that crap :-)
every morning we take the dogs out and let them run around for a few hours. they play fetch, eat breakfast and then take a swim. yes in that order.
and my awesome brandon makes me breakfast and brings it to me outside every morning too, he's the best! these days its mostly just a toast and a fruit drink he makes. not too exciting, but it's all my body can handle some days.

 planted some poppies a while back...prettys sure those aren't poppies. bummer! they kinda look like weeds haha

 we have tons of pretty roses and other flowers growing!

and our awesome garden! we just hope it actually produces fruit! we have one tiny green tomatoe, green blue berries and light pink strawberries...that have been chewed on. it's a start though right? 


Cassidy & Shawn Marshall said...

your garden looks awesome! I hope it all turns out well- I used organic pesticide on my veggies to keep the bugs away you can try some on your strawberries.

laura d said...

Your strawberries will be in full-force next year, just wait! ours are out of control--they moved down a bed to take over half of the next one. We didn't spray ours with anything, I just go out and pick off all the snails we seem to grow on occasion.