Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"that's why, it's good to be, me"

if anyone can guess where the title saying is from... you win!
found some more random pics on my camera and since i have somewhat energy right now, thought i'd go ahead and upload them.
took this pic before chemo started i think. my grandpa's backyard. perfect weather! we'd sit outside every morning and night. miss the cooler weather.
this pic was taken the same night. when i was feeling good. 
 i'm pretty sure this was before chemo, cause my clothes look like they fit a little better than they do these days.
 there's a story behind this pic. i think it's hilarious, but you may not :-) we were at bran's aunt's house with extented family having dinner. everyone was still eating dinner taking their time, and bran went to the kitchen washed his plate and fork and came and sat back down. i said, what are you doing with your plate? he said i'm ready for my cheesecake! haha what a nerd. he LOVES his cheesecake so much!
 bran's sister kailey!

bran's cousin chris...who is a lifeguard mind you...and me, the whitest person alive! we make the best OREO though!!! 

 this was last week...an off week for chemo and i was feeling awesome and completely normal it was great! i had the best appetite i've had so far! i even gained 2 pounds! so i took some pics of myself, of course!

 no i'm not flashing anyone, just took a better pic of my port to show everyone. so ugly.
 so i've lost a total of 15 pounds since my surgery and chemo. my pants and shirts literally hang on me and i'm constatnly pulling them up. i hate it and feel so weak sometimes. so i bought a new pair that fit! im so excited to have pants that fit. im down to a size 3...yes i'm 12 again. awesome :-p 
 my sweet cousin-in-law and the kids came to see me! they are so sweet and it was good to see them! essie will talk your ear off but the sweetest little girl ever, i want to keep her! thanks for my flowers!


laura d said...

love that purple shirt! I'm still amazed at the awesomeness of your grandpa's backyard.

Terin Renee said...

Love all the pictures!!! Love you. Love that Brandon likes cheesecake. Love that you are 12 again. Love that you had a good weeks and gained 2 lbs. Love that Kailey's hair is awesome dark. Love that you are reading Kingdom and the Crown (amazing series!!!!) Love that you look beautiful and Brandon looks almost exactly like he did when you all got married. Love that you are the cream to the oreo. I love you Jillyn. So much.

Johnstuns! said...

I love your hair!! If I have to let my hair grow out so do you!!! :) you look great.