Sunday, August 21, 2011

freckle faced

well once again not a whole lot going on. our lives are all about cancer these days. we try to get out as much as we can, but its hard when i dont feel good or bran is exhausted from work. but we do our best!
we had the chance to head to bran's aunt kathy's house saturday (who has terminal breast cancer). he put some shelves in while i snuggled on the memory foam with one of her many cats. it was glorious....the mattress part. not a huge fan of cats, but it was nice to have a snuggle buddy to watch the old parent trap with :-)

 got a new outfit and i love it. so comfy!
 remember her? and how she loves anything warm? found her ON the dryer the other night. who is this dog? ridiculous
 brandon on his phone...whats new :-) sometimes our he's like this as i have a conversation with him. little do i know, im talking to myself. i still love him though
 i thought this was a funny pic thats all i dont even remember taking it
 here's the kitty i snuggled with. she was super sketchy and didn't like brandon. her name is dr evil...kinda sad haha
 brandon enjoying the memory foam mattress after putting shelves in. we didn't want to get up, so comfy! definitely need one now!
 that's huge! (thats what she said). biggest zucchini ever!
 just me again. duh, this blog is all about me right? jk


megan said...

You are totally cute! We have a memory foam mattress and it is totally the way to go. I just got a long dress like that too. They are totally comfortable

Cassidy & Shawn Marshall said...

that Zuc is amazing size! what did you end up doing with it? I love your dress and I am super Jealous I want are gorgeous in it!