Saturday, September 10, 2011

happy 100th birthday grandpa day!!!

my mom and dad flew to utah on thrusday and friday (yes 2 different flights) and then saturday morning we packed up the car and headed to idaho! brandon was sick with his crohns so we missed him.
i definitely took more scenery pics than family pics :-)

grandpa enjoying his 100th birthday cupcake!
brandon's cousins...they are the cutest and sweetest kids ever! i wanna steal them!
grandpa's (fake) cake with ...yes...100 candles on it
blowing the candles out

my dad's family
bored in the car
eating at scotty's in idaho

my dad and his brothers
even though everything is out of focus, i still love this pic

happy 100th birthday grandpa, we love you!
you're truly an amazing person and a perfect example of living the gospel.
my grandpa rides his tricycle everyday (forgot to get a pic) and goes walking around the church parking lot, he has the sharpest memory EVER and loves anyone that he meets, he has the best sense of humor (must be where i get it from :-) and goes to the temple weekly!


TheTerry's said...

wow, you're a really great photographer! I love all the pics!

Cassidy & Shawn Marshall said...

I love love love the flower pics! and its so cool how your Grandpa is turned 100! wow what a life to live 100 years.