Thursday, November 19, 2009

christmas is coming!

merry christmas!
our tree is up! we are a little low on funds this year so a tree was out of the question. so i decided to make my own tree...while bran was at work. yes very cheesy and kinda white trash, but cute at the same time.

my inspiration. much better than mine. oh well.
and a few presents under the tree would be nice, but that wont happen this year. we're thankful enough to go to AZ for new years!


Rydgd said...

Way cool, girl!

Rachel said...

That is a super cute idea and it turned out great!!

Mindy said...

Very cute - love the idea!

annberet said...

hey, thanks, girl! yours, too.. is freaking freakin' adorable!

soooo stokeddd forrr christmassss!

Stephanie said...

I LOVE it. Not white trash at all, trust me! We're going on our 4th Christmas together and we have never had a tree, no stockings, nothing. Last year was the first year we actually put any lights up, one little strand. I'm pretty sure our neighbors must think we're agnostic.

BandHGardner said...

That reminds me of our Christmas in NYC. No real trees allowed in the building, and we didn't want to buy a fake tree that we'd have to throw away because we'd be moving a few months later. See this picture of our tree that year:

Cassidy & Shawn Marshall said...

its a freakin good idea! if i owned my wall i would do the same- love the decorations!

Shannon @FairfaceWashcloths said...

I think that's a cute idea and your tree looks just as good as that picture! Way to be creative when money is tight!

Sunny Biggs said...

Love it!!! saw your tree pic and immediatly remembered where your inspirations came from in the west elm mag i get. then i saw that you posted your insp and it was a match. wow that did not make sense at all. It looks great!

Shellee Day said...

I think it is sooo cute! yours looks better anyways! your decorations are classic!