Monday, February 21, 2011

i ♥ arizona

went home to arizona (without brandon due to work) for my birthday, a concert, for fun and to get out of the stupid cold/snow! i had a blast. i was able to cram all my hours in at work and stay in arizona for a week! i get even more homesick once i visit. its beautiful there. not to mention all of my family and friends are there. i didnt get to see everyone that i wanted surprise there...but i loved seeing those i got to see. i would move in a heartbeat if i could!
im sad that my nephews dont really even know who i am because i never see them. this is preston (devin & kristin's boy) it took him about a day to warm up to me. he's just the biggest daddy's boy ever! its adorable!

 so we had family pics out at saguaro lake. while we were waiting our turn, we started messing around and just having fun keep in mind, we're not being (too) serious here :-)

 isn't toby adorable?!
 isn't my  marmee so cute?!
 i love these girls! they have grown up so much. it's weird to think they can date & drive. mimi bought her 1st car and was driving ME around....weird.

 lulu looking good

the almost newlywed! 

 oh i love this kid! this is davis, chad and corri's 2nd little boy. he warmed up instantly to me. he is a solid chunker and i LOVE him!
and oh how i miss the arizona sunsets!
mrs juliann kolbe! ready to pop and looking adorable!
these boys are best friends its so cute!
my goal was to not eat out...welp that didn't last long. when i got to the house my mom says, ok where do you wanna go eat today for your birthday. SERRANOS! i ate out everyday i was in town...except once. sheesh, there goes that goal. but i only ate out at places that we dont have in utah :-)

baby girl reese. tatum's cute bebe!
so good to see my girls! i miss you guys so much! (notice im eating out again at gecko grill)
eating out some yummy pizza place after we played racquetball
oh how i've missed THIS place the most!
the name should be changed to elmer's burritos...lets be honest, i've never had anything there besides his burritos.
cute little davis
oh avery how i love you! chad and corri's boys are adorable but so different! avery warmed up to me that last day i saw him. sheesh... it was almost a week! maybe he'll remember me next time i see him. probably not.

having a family party! we have 4 birthdays in Feb. daisy's is the 1st, my dad's is the 4th, mine is the 7th and randy's fiance, devlyn's, is the 15th. so we had dinner and dessert sunday night.
playing cards. a nightly ritual. oh how i've missed this ritual.
thats right!
at the ben kweller/pete yorn concert. AMAZING!!!
mimi and her cute boy Britt
randy and his cute fiance Dev. they get along great! he couldnt have picked a better girl for himself. she's so much fun, easy going and puts up with randy's craziness! they compliment each other very well!
after the concert! loving on our BK. isn't he a doll?!
mmm...sweaty armpit

he LOVED my mom!
cute mimi and britt again. he bought her a cute!


Jessica said...

Looks like you had a fun trip. Britt and Jamee are so cute together. It is cute to see them at work!

You have such a fun family!

megan said...

I'm so sad I didn't get to see you! I am just kicking myself. I love that your sisters boyfriends name is Britt