Friday, April 15, 2011

long time no blog

well! where to start. sorry i haven't blogged in a month (feels longer than that). good news, we found a renter! bad news, we had a day to move out. it was horrible. luckily i had started packing things up a week before because we knew we were going to be moving within a month. but moving everything in a day was still annoying. we're mostly moved into my grandpa's basement. we've had some stupid weather up here, one day its perfect and then next day its snowing. very unpredictable and stupid. we can't really plan many outings or picnics yet. today is perfect! im outside on the back lawn while brandon cleans out my grandpa's pond and the dogs are loving running around!
not a ton has changed, besides our sleeping arrangements...we're sleeping on twins pushed together right now (not gonna get into why) its temporary thank goodness. we're both still working fulltime and loving having a yard and house work to do! we're both very excited to head to AZ on the 20th for Randy's wedding!!! his fiance is so cute and fun and fits right in! her name even fits perfect....Devlyn!
just some random pics of whats goin on with us...
i've always loved nail polish, but lately even more so. found this awesome stuff called shatter. it does this right in front of your eyes! really neat.
i like the white more!
if you haven't seen these you need to look them up! found them on amazon. nail art stamps! so much fun!
my hair is getting way long and i have a love/hate relationship. i dont know how to curl my hair so its always straight and plain or just pulled back. i had a 1/2" curling iron, but jersey chewed up the cord (lovely) so now i dont have one and my straightner is too thick to use. any tips on what size curling iron to get and how to do this? would LOVE to do this for my brother's wedding.

here's bran about to clean out the pond (while i blog :-)
showing off my new outfit with a cheesy smile :-)
bran's family came from CA for a few days on their spring break, so good to see family! jersey loves boys and loves to snuggle!
happy birthday to bran's sister kailey!


laura d said...

so where are you? I know it's grandpa's house....

We had to move out in two days when we found some renters so I hear you on that "one-day moving is horrible" business. But at least its over, eh?

we'll work on the baby bump picks too...guess it's time to reveal myself. :D

Cassidy & Shawn Marshall said...

im glad you are all moved and settling in- moving sucks! I hope we can see you guys on Easter hair looks cute! when are you going to plant your garden? we have an infestation of earwigs ewwwww they are eating most of our plants so last night we went out with our homemade blow torch heheh and roasted a lot. I hope you dont get any annoying bugs they suck. your nails are way cool I love the crackle look

reuben said...

How did I miss this blog post?! I love the nail polish, so fun! Your new outfit is totally cute and you look hot!

For your hair, even though Randy's wedding is already past get Bumble & Bumble's Ocean Water/spray...something like that. It is expensive ('cause it's bumble & bumble) but amazing! I always used to spray a little, and I mean a little (or it will get crunchy) in my hair when it was wet and scrunch a little and then I had the perfect waves/curls when my hair dried.

IF this signs me in as Reuben I'm gonna be so mad!

megan said...

So mad right now!