Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Randy & Dev's wedding...and then some

these are completely out of order...sorry.
here is mimi looking amazing!

randy and dev greeting the guests at the reception...having a good time in the mean time
mimi and her boy britt
enjoying their italian sodas at the reception
yay for weddings and gift cards!
mother son dance
yay for weddings and monies!!!
the morning after the wedding at Dev's parents, opening presents before they take off on the honeymoon
can't go to AZ and not stop in at elmers!!! mmmmm
the best cheese puffs ever!
avery and chad...not sure why he was crying...maybe just tired...but such a dang funny picture!
we all danced the night away! we had so much fun! it was literally me and my family dancing as they chairs were being cleaned up at the reception. could've gone all night!

davis got drunk off of easter candy! this kid could eat anything at anytime!
devin, kristin, preston and baby at our easter egg hunt
the neices and nephews
me and my bffffffffff terin renee. i just love this girl so much! if you know her, you know why!
she is hilarious!
me and toby work.
at the wedding dinner

the almost newlyweds
my cute parents
little P
this kid doesn't smile much these days, not sure why he's going through this stage
mimi's expression is hilarious
me and my man ready for the temple...mmm he looks good
what a perfect day to get married on

my awesome, cute sisters

all the girls
the newlyweds!

randy and the boys...these 4 boys are the best of friends and cousins!

these two especially are best of friends! they LOVE LOVE LOVE eachother! and its adorable. they're hilarious!

gorgeous devlyn

the grandchildren
bran double fisting the italian sodas
i couldnt get enough pics of the kids!
we had a blast in AZ and so glad we got to go!
i have all the pics of the wedding and that weekend on facebook. i had a hard time choosing what pics to put up on this blog.


megan said...

I"m so sad I didn't get to see you! Someday I will see you, my lover!

also, sorry I was being a brat about getting together with friends. I think I was just having an annoying day.

Your whole family looks amazing and Devlyn looks like she is a perfect match for Randy.

once upon a poppy said...

im glad you took lots of pics. having 3 kids makes me crazy and i forget to take pictures.

Terin said...

Great photos. My fav is of Avery crying. Hilare. You have a fun family. Glad I could join in on some of the fun. Love you!