Monday, May 9, 2011

another update with health

well we met with the Dr today. unfortunately the biopsy hasn't been read yet (dangit!!!) so at this point they're treating it like cancer. hopefully the results say otherwise :-) the results will be in tonight, or tomorrow (tuesday). surgery is scheduled for wednesday. the bad news...there was a block in the colon when they did the colonoscopy so they were unable to get past that block to see what else there is. so we know there's that spot and there's another spot that showed up on the CT. other then that, nothing else is showing as far as growths go. so the Dr doesn't know what he's dealing with until he gets in there to do surgery. we're hopeful there is nothing else in there. it's possible there is though. the Dr is going to do a little "exploring" once he gets in to make sure nothing has spread. he's hopeful i won't have to have a colectomy (thank heaven!) but again, time will tell. i may have to have an ng tube (ew ew ew!).
thank you again for all the phone calls, text and prayers. we're very thankful and lucky to have awesome family and friends!


Paige said...

Good luck tomorrow. I hope everything goes well!

AnnEE said...

I love you more than whatsherface loves Peter.

Adrie said...

I am so sorry to hear all of this. I am definitely thinking about you and praying for you. Hang in there!