Friday, May 20, 2011

i can do this!

im sure most of you have heard....i have stage 3 colon cancer. 2 out of 14 lymphnodes are cancerous and i start chemo in 3-4 weeks. i cried on the phone to brandon after i heard the news.other than that i havent cried (probably cause it hurts way too much on my surgery, incision) i also know i'll kick this cancer's butt! i wont let this bring me down. i have SO MUCH support! i get texts, phone calls, emails etc daily saying how much they love me and how awesome i'm gonna do. maybe reality hasn't set in yet, but i wont let this stop me from working, growing and starting a family one day. im somewhat excited to for the say i killed cancer before age 30!
as of now im still in the hospital. the Dr's originally said 5-7 days. im on day 9. thats frustrating. i was on TPN for about 4 days because i wasn't eating very well. i was having bowel movements the day or two after surgery so that was good news. i was up walking (in lots of pain) about 4 times a day. trying to shower everyday....completely wore me out. i loved to sleep :-) unfortunately the set back was my incision was infected. so they had to re-cut me open....pure HELL. i felt every cut, tug, pull and push. im pretty sure i broke brandon's hand by squeezing so hard. they do have to change the dressing twice a day, so thats pure hell too, but luckily no more cutting, just changing the gauze. it has relieved so much pain though and im up walking way more and way less pain! they will be putting a wound vac on me this weekend and hopefully i'll be going home sunday.....with the would vac. now that im feeling better i feel like im actually gonna heal and get through this stupid surgery :-) i cant wait to start eating good again, pizza has never sounded to good! brick oven here i come! i gotta get all kinds of fattened up for chemo. the good news on the chemo is, the Dr said there is a possibility i wont lose my hair! (i secretly want a long pretty wig...maybe i'll just wear one anyway).
im gonna try to keep this updated as the journey begins and keep up with the pics!
i love you all very much. thank you for your love and support. i have so so so much support its amazing!
why Heavenly Father decided i needed this trial? i don't know. but i know i will grow because of this. i know, i will be a mother one day. i know i'll beat this!


Shannon @FairfaceWashcloths said...

Jillyn! I'm so sorry to hear about everything you're going through. You are amazing. Your positive spirit shines through with every word you write. That alone will help you immensely. Know there's one more out here praying for you!!!

Summer said...

Girl, you are amazing and I know you can and will fight this! Thinking about you and praying for you lots and lots! xoxo

Rebekah said...

love you jillyn!!! you are so strong and you WILL pull through this!!!!

Mindy said...

IF you do lose your hair, you can count on me to shave mine right along with you :)

PS Thanks for not being mad that I blogged about you, you are a huge inspiration to me. Thanks for being such a great friend. Love you!

Kimberly said...

Your strength is seriously so inspiring! You are amazing and of course you are going to beat this cancer up! I know we are far away.. but if you ever need someone to talk to, just hit me up! <3 ya girlie!

Tiffany Hatch said...

Tatum told me the news. We are praying for you. You are so strong! I know you are going to beat it.

Rydgd said...

Jillyn!! I didn't know! You are such a beastly beast! Love your're in my prayers girl! Keep us posted. Luv ya!

Tatum said...

You have the perfect attitude! You go girl! Magic rainbows of joy and blessed motherhood is on it's way! You can do this!

Johnstuns! said...

I absolutely love your sweet spirit! I know too that you will have children and be a great mother that fought through cancer! You're the best. Can't wait to see you in 14 days! Love you.

Kyle And Tess said...

Jillyn you are so brave and amazing!! I believe your positive attitude can get you through anything! I want to help with anything you need for reals! If you will let me I will come plant you a little garden or some flowers...let me know! And hey we will see you at work in no time!s (heck you will probably beat me back to work)

laura d said...

I'll totally make you a sa-weet hat to wear if the locks start heading south...You are awesome and I love your spirit. You CAN DO THIS!!

Megan said...

jillyn! i had no idea you were in the hospital for that long! you are the best, and you have the best attitude. you're totally right too. you're gonna kick its butt.LOVE YOU!