Sunday, June 20, 2010


first of all, happy father's day!!! thanks papi for all you do for me and for others! you're the best papi ever!
not a whole lot going on in our lives, but thought i'd update anyway. bran and i are still on our "no sweets" kick. it feels so good...most of the time. i dont crave sugar/sweets as much, its mostly after meals i do. we've been working out 5 days a week and im loving it. im able to run further distnaces than before (which still isnt saying much). bran is lifting more than he ever has before. (he's gonna look good! :-) its fun to go to the gym together and encourage each other. bran's lost inches around his waist already. i've lost a few pounds. im not aiming to loose weight, just tone up, but im ok with getting rid of a few :-)

i started making a quilt 8 mos ago. i put it away after a week of starting because i got busy with work. i pulled it back out a few weeks ago and have slowly been working on it. its actually (kinda) fun. i feel accomplished. except when i start yelling at my sewing machine to cooperate. im excited to make more and come up with my own ideas and patterns. bran's getting in on it too...he tells me about some fabric i could get and what shapes to do.

we're both working about 30-40 hours a week. i absolutely love my job for once! we're very blessed to work right down the street from each other and carpool almost every day for work! i wake up and go to sleep with my brandon. its been awesome being on the same schedule as brandon (for once). we eat, sleep, run, play wii etc. together! and i dont even get tired of him. usually. :-D

one of my goals this year is to finish all the books i started reading over the years. i started about 8 books over the years and have finished about 2-3 of them. i read alot more these days and im starting to enjoy it! i've started over with the BofM and really going through with a marking pen and my study guide this time.

i've been doing alot of thinking lately about life and what it used to be. what it is now. and what i want it to be. the mistakes i've made and how i want to do better. i want to be a better person. more kind. more outgoing. more loving to brandon. more spiritual. more efficient with my time. i try to come home from work and actually do something besides clean or worry about what my house looks like. thus, i started my quilt, running, reading. i'm really enjoying this! i want to do good with my time and right by others! i want things to be perfect when we start a family. i want to be a good mom. good example. experienced with life. i want to teach my kids right! im also wanting to start growing sprouts and wheatgrass. i've read into it, found the juicer i want and thats about as far as i've gone. need to save monies for the juicer and then wait for bran's mom to come into town to help me start the wheatgrass. and/or my mom to help with sprouts.

i'm trying/hoping to start school sometime this year. i need to get going on my pre-reqs so i can get my career going. i've decided to be an x-ray tech. im still sad i have to be a working mom, but i have faith everything will work out. ...not sure how at all. but have faith. i'm pushing bran with school and he wants to go back, but doesnt.

we're doing great! hope everyone else is too! if you're ever in utah come visit!


laura d said...

aww! u r too cute!

KrisBo said...

This was a great post! I love that you are getting things finished and out doing things. I wish I could figure out how to fit things like working out and making stuff into my time.

Good luck on getting those pre-reqs done! Youll be an awesome xray tech! I am trying to figure out how Lee and I can have the same schedual, but I will be working soon and will proably never get to see him. :/ Enjoy it while youve got it.

Stephanie said...

Hey Jillyn, I thought you might be interested in this post from a friend of mine about quilting for beginners.

Cassidy & Shawn Marshall said...

I love reading your post! you are doing so much, you should let me peek at your quilt! man I wish shawn would go to the gym with me that would be so much fun, but he does do a lot of lifting at work so he is pretty tired when he gets off. good luck with starting school soon- oh and my mom said the fruit would be lovely- I CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU GUYS THIS WEEKEND! yeah

Mindy said...

What an inspiring post ... maybe you should hang out with us one of these days so you can rub off on me a little.

iknowjewels said...

Nice update! Good for you on the books let me know if you LOVE any of them.

I think an xray tech is a great idea. Less liability than an RN and same pay! plus you won't be wiping any one's butt! I think the schedules are easier than 12 hour shifts if I recall.

Hang in there and good luck!